Saturday, December 27, 2008


OK. I have learned how difficult it can be to be a consistent blogger. I have been reading lots of stuff, although I have not made much progress on my Odyssey - Gilgamesh stares at me from my bookshelf every day - but I haven't had the inclination (the excuse of 'no time' is always a little lame, since we always have time for what is really important to us) to write about what I have been reading. That takes more mental energy than I am often willing to muster up. Sometimes, if we've read the same book, I have a good conversation with my wife about some of the things I've read, but I read a lot of stuff she doesn't, and while I could have a good conversation with another intellectual about the book, I don't know anyone else reading the same stuff or who has the time to try. As I near mid-life, I am finding a reading of Dante particularly relevant, and I've been able to discuss it a little with a colleague at work, but neither of has enough time to do it justice. Anyway, I suppose one of my New Years' Resolutions will be blogging more consistently.


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